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TEFL Jobs links

Jobs for teachers of English world-wide

7 ESL Job Interview Tips
Anticipating an upcoming interview can be a very stressful time. Whether you have numerous interviews lined up, or you have waited weeks for just one, it is important to remember that you have more to offer the world than the job you hold.

Chain Schools
Ask two experienced teachers whether or not they recommend working for an ESL chain school, and you may get two very different answers. While some teachers love the experience of working for a large company, others finish (or even break) their contracts and vow to never go that route again...

Definitive Guide to TEFL Jobs
Frequently asked questions about TEFL jobs and employment.

Engage Education
Recruitment agency helping teachers from around the world find jobs in the UK and offers resources related to employment.

Enlighten Supply Pool
Enlighten Supply Pool aims to be the market leader by being the first choice for staffing needs in the education sector. Working together we will exceed customer expectations and continue to raise the level of service across the recruitment industry.

ESL/EFL Jobs, ESL/EFL Links Directory, Translation Services and Resource

Jet Programme
The JET Programme is a unique opportunity for young people to experience Japan while earning a salary overseas. Run by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the JET Programme has been in establishment since 1987, with the goal of promoting internationalization in the local communities of Japan...

LaowaiCareer is a TEFL and ESL jobs portal. It provides an all-in-one recruitment and job search engine platform for hundreds of schools and educational institutions in China and across Asia looking to efficiently hire TEFL and CELTA certified teachers for United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. If you are looking to hire high quality teacher from native English speaking countries feel free to register on our job portal today. IT IS FREE TO REGISTER!

Residential summer jobs - employment at ECS
British Council Accredited UK summer school - residential summer jobs teaching English / organising activities for children and teenagers.

Teaching Abroad: Expecting the Unexpected
Going abroad to teach English as a Second Language is a dream for many graduates. The thought of paying off student loans while travelling the world seems like the perfect scenario for young people who are itching to get away or try something new. Though post-graduation may be the best time to broaden your horizons and even test out your teaching skills, it is important to realize that the life of a foreign language teacher can be just as challenging as it is rewarding...

Job opportunities for English teachers. ESL/TEFL jobs offered and wanted world-wide.

TEFLHUB allows you the opportunity to travel the world and make money in the process: TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teaching offers you the opportunity to head off to foreign climes, see amazing sites, get to know the local people, and get paid for it. The team at teflhub have lived and worked in over 20 countries and have used their experience to help you realize your travel dreams. Whether you have years of teaching experience, or have just graduated, we can help you through the process of attaining a TEFL position from start to finish, for free:

The Definitive Guide to TEFL Jobs
Frequently Asked Questions about getting employed to teach English at home and abroad

Top 10 Interview Questions for Teachers to Ask
You've thought long and hard about what your answers will be to all of the typical interview questions. Now it's time to think about your questions.

What Kind of Teacher Are You?
Teaching ESL is a broad term. There are dozens of ESL disciplines, and a wide range of class types. Which of these are you best suited for?