Briton can't find first-time employment in Europe

Discussion about TEFL jobs in Europe

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Briton can't find first-time employment in Europe

Unread post by ACanton »

Hi, I am newly (well, 6 months now) qualified CELTA teacher and I cannot find employment anywhere.

I don't have a degree, I am however British so therefore an EU national so I have been concentrating on finding employment in Europe where my not having a degree will not create problems regarding work visas.

I have had a couple of interviews but I was not offered the jobs these were for. All the jobs in Europe I see advertised on websites very clearly ask for experience in the field.

I surely cannot be the only person in this situation, how on earth am I supposed to get started in TEFL?
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Re: Briton can't find first-time employment in Europe

Unread post by Briona »

As frustrating as it may be, you keep applying until you get offered something. The closer you get to the start of the academic year (early Sep to mid-Oct), the more chance you have of landing a job. To further improve your chances of finding work, avoid popular destinations such as Spain, and look towards Eastern Europe.

If (like me) you are a career changer, writing that first TEFL CV can be difficult. I used for guidance (there's even a sample CV to download on the bottom right-hand side, though I would recommend writing a slightly more detailed profile/objective than theirs). I'm generally pretty good with cover letters, but I did refer to ... -template/.

I learned a long time ago not to be put off by adverts asking for experience. Obviously if they want 5+ years' experience plus a DELTA, there's no point in applying, but you will find that the 'minimum of 1 year's experience' is often negotiable, especially if you have a Pass A or B on the CELTA.
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Re: Briton can't find first-time employment in Europe

Unread post by ACanton »

thanks very much. I have decided just to go and visit a country in september.

This however does fill me with dread and the logistics seem confusing. Going there, do I just book a hostel, send my CV around town, if I get a job offer start looking for a flat, it seems a lot to work out when I will not speak the language.

part of the problem is in the current economic climate I am in no way prepared to quit my job unless I have something concrete on offer.
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Re: Briton can't find first-time employment in Europe

Unread post by Briona »

Before going abroad, do your research! Find out how many schools are in your chosen area(s), and read up on them a bit, just in case they ask the dreaded 'why do you want to work at XYZ School?' question. Make copies of your CV and certificates. It might be useful to have a few copies of your passport as well. Put these into pre-made 'packs', (they could just be housed in a plastic pocket) to make them easier to hand out and to ensure that each school gets a copy of each paper. Then, and only then, should you book a flight. I would also book a hostel or similar for a few nights.

When calling into the schools, consider your appearance. A suit is not necessary, but ripped jeans, grubby-looking t-shirts and battered trainers are an obvious no-no! Try to see the DoS or ADoS. If necessary, offer to come back later at a more convenient time, otherwise just leave your CV with the receptionist. It might also be worth following up on the applications in a day or so. After all, if they want to interview you, it would be better to do it while you are still in-country.

If you are lucky enough to be offered a job, you may find that the school will help you open a bank account, get a tax number and a residency certificate. They will often help with finding accommodation as well.
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