How many hours of lessons does a child need per week.

Discussion about teaching ESL to children

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How many hours of lessons does a child need per week.

Unread post by northerngirl »

Would you please be able to advise me on how many hours of teaching a child learning English needs per week. I have two classes. The first is a 2 year course for pre school children (5-7) and the second is a Junior A class. ( 7 year olds.)

Many many thanks.
Alex Case
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Re: How many hours of lessons does a child need per week.

Unread post by Alex Case »

The more the better!

I think the important thing is that they should have lots of short lessons, as they forget quickly and little is learnt by five year olds in the last 15 minutes of a 60 minute lesson.
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Re: How many hours of lessons does a child need per week.

Unread post by xiphiasatsi »

For kids of this age,half an hour is more than enough
Alex Case
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Re: How many hours of lessons does a child need per week.

Unread post by Alex Case »

I strongly disagree. Half an hour lesson are fine with small classes (though seven year olds can easily cope with 45 minutes), but as with all learners at least twice a week is better so that they don't forget everything by the next lesson.
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Re: How many hours of lessons does a child need per week.

Unread post by AntonioOlson »

At least 1:00 a day is for sure. Better often, but systematically, than many, but rarely
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