Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

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John V55
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Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by John V55 »

There is an article on the Chinese Daily that accuses the CFTU of being a scam itself and has this to say and as others are putting up links, here it is:

https://chinadailymail.com/2013/03/25/c ... nese-scam/

Two snippets from the link. Is this starting to happen on TEFL.net? My anti-spam radar is starting to twitch :)

"CFTU have edited all their websites to remove traces of the adverse matters reported in the main story, and have spammed this site with propaganda about themselves."

(Chinese Daily) "Editor’s Note: Since this article was written, China Daily Mail has been the target of a malicious and defamatory spam campaign, operated by CFTU and many aliases. One of these aliases offered to remove all the defamatory material for a hefty fee, confirming that the operation is extortion."

I wouldn’t go anywhere near these people, no matter what freebies they offer and here are the reasons why.

The site contains so many misleading statements and inaccuracies, but let’s put a few of their myths to rest. The misleading statements are that they are comparing native teachers salaries to western ones, but not telling you that. You are a foreigner and will earn far more than a native. Even at the bottom end, you shouldn’t be earning less than 6.5k Yuan a month ($1,000), plus the free accommodation and all the rest of the add-ons, which probably near doubles it. Add onto that a very low tax system and cheap cost of living and you’ve just entered a middle-class lifestyle - and that’s at entry level.
The inaccuracies are that although the statistics look genuine, from personal experience I can tell you that some of them are false.

Let’s take a brief look at their first page.

[1] You can’t compare western salaries to Chinese ones and that’s because the cost of living is far cheaper here and my tax is between 4 to 5%, with no UK VAT, or US sales tax. Also factor into the salary, free accommodation, internet, medical insurance . . .

[2] They state, " If only we could pay our mortgages and car payments with prestige!" Is that using a Chinese salary to pay a western mortgage? It’s not meant to be used for that and you couldn’t. However, two to three years work in China will buy you a foreign type condo in a holiday resort by the sea in S.E. Asia, to use as a holiday home, retirement, or just a base to operate from.

[3] Education - Industry. Where they got these figures from is anybody’s guess. The average education salary is 40k Yuan a year? That’s 3,300 a month and yes, for a Chinese teacher starter salary that might be true, but not for foreigners and so that’s misleading at best. Which foreigner earns that amount, that’s absolute rubbish. Even someone with limited experience is going to earn double that, with extra add-ons as well.

[4] It states that the average annual income in Thailand is $8k, (266,400 Thai bahts), which divided by twelve is 22,200 Bahts a month. No it’s not, I worked in Thailand and the average Thai salary is between 30k and 35k a month for NES and has been for the past couple of decades.

And that’s just half way down the first page!

Don’t believe everything you hear on the Internet. Certainly get advice, but do your own research and ask around. China is actively looking for English teachers and if you want to work here and have the right qualifications, you will enjoy a middle-class lifestyle and none of the criminality, mass unemployment and drugs in the west.
It’s conservative, traditional and if, like me, that’s what you like, it’s here waiting for you. Don’t believe the western propaganda; if you want more information from someone who is actually here, instead of anonymous posters and links, PM me. I’m not hiding behind a veil of anonymity and I’ll send you my personal fact sheet link which gives the real details and insights into working here.

Any chance of posting links to educational articles that I’ve written myself @Joe
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by John V55 »

No, I am not a recruiter and have no affiliations with any organisation – I’m completely independent. I’ve looked at their site and I’d avoid it like the plague and that’s from someone with a Masters degree in criminology and a related western police background.

I’ll just say this ‘anonymous Nathan’; it’s obvious who you and your equally anonymous friends here are and what you’re up to. It’s obvious to me and it will become obvious to the Administrators of this forum in the end, just like it did for China Daily. A bit harsh and to the point, but I stick to what I’ve just said. I’ve been in China long enough not to be taken in by all this and I spotted you lot months ago, but haven’t said anything up to now hoping you’d go away.

To the others reading this: My advice is stay away from the types of link sites trying to pretend they’re helping you that are pouring out of here. Eventually, they will all lead back to CFTU. They’re baits and if you are in China, stay away from foreign ‘unions’ and anything political. These links are not trying to help you, they’re here to bait you.

Welcome to the sharks of China, you’re having your first experience of them :)
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by John V55 »

Read the op again. I’m a bit too old and experienced to be drawn in Nathan, save it for the younger ones ;)

There aren’t many things I dislike in life Nathan, but preying on the weak, or even gullible, is one of them. It’s enough that someone is considering coming to the other side of the world, with all the worries and uncertainty that entails, without being preyed on by the sharks before they even get here.

I’m nearing retirement and have nothing to sell, no axe to grind and no affiliations. I don’t hide behind anonymity and link out to sites at every opportunity and the only information I will ever give will be to help. That’s a rare trait nowadays and even more rare in Asia.
This is not my forum, but I have already voiced my concerns to Admin and stated them on here and warned people. I’ve done my bit.
BTW, my qualifications are verifiable, I have a blue book and a legal PSB visa, just so you and your organisation know.
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by Murphy »

Hey gents - people have a right to disagree yes? Having read all this I think it is fair to ask what is the information that is in dispute John? I mean Nathan was not being disrespectful, he was asking you to explain what are the "myths" you don't want people to believe. He also provided you links that pretty much confirm his rebuttal to you. So why are you angry and getting defensive? If this is about the salary issue you brought up, I can say that from my years of teaching in China there are basically two kinds of teachers... those that sign whatever contract they are given and those that negotiate a better deal for themselves. Those of us who have been in China a while no better than to take anything less than 15,000 a month unless it is a public school or university. All things are relative right? And of course people will compare teacher's salary everywhere with what teachers "back home" get - along with the local and "back home" cost of living. The only salary chart I see put out by the CFTU are those they are quoting from other sources like the Huffington Post.

Also, you appear to be quoting from someplace but you do not give a link. So for the sale of clarity and credibility can you give us the link you are quoting from so we can see it all in context as well? Whether we agree with your point of view or not, we should be able to have an understanding of what "myths" the CFTU is presenting. The only thing that baffles me is why the CFTU has a .org and a .com website? I don't think anyone on this forum has anything but good karma for you and the other users. I am not taking any sides here until I am sure I know what info is being disputed.
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by John V55 »

Murphy, I’ve already said that I’m not going to be drawn into your CFTU group discussions. I’m fully aware of who and what your little group are. It’s not my forum, you can make as many links to CFTU as you like, I’ve had my say. People themselves can decide who or what to believe.
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by Skyler »

According to the TEFL people at Reddit, the average salary in China today for a veteran TEFL teacher is 16,500 yuan per month. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChinaTEFL/comm ... _teachers/. Maybe John is not charging his students enough and they are all getting a great deal! Btw... 16,500 yuan is about $3,000 a month or $36,000 a year. I know the American teachers get paid about 20%-30% more.

As for the CFTU thing, I went to a meeting of about 40 people last year at Peking University. Not many newbies were there and it was interesting but not for me since they want all the new members to volunteer 4 hours a week for 3 months emailing and handing out flyers to teachers. Before going to the meeting I was told by colleagues to expect someone to preach the Bible to me, but that didn't happen. Nobody tried to hustle me to buy anything so I think they are harmless. I did get some free stuff and a subscription to their monthly newsletter. About six months ago they named TEFL.net as one of the three top job boards for TEFL in the world btw. That also popped up at reddit not long ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/TEFLScams/comm ... rated_the/.
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by Volunteer »

My first job in China paid me 12,000 a month plus a furnished apartment. That was five years ago. I am now earning 20,000 a month and I never found my jobs through any BS ad online. If someone offers you less than 12,000 a month they plan to skim part of your salary or it is a public school in some rural area with a low budget.
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by John V55 »

I was going to answer that, until I saw you’re also one of the anonymous ones, who I’ve made a point of not getting into discussions with. In fact, I’ll probably start giving this place more of a miss until a few get cleared out off here.
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Re: Why you shouldn’t believe the CFTU myths about China

Unread post by Saturn »

I just read this at reddit last night and am happy to get all the free contacts. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChinaTEFL/comm ... l_teacher/ The fact they aren't selling them tells me a lot about the group. Regarding the salary discussion, I remember when I first came to China a few years ago how I got low-balled and ended up doing a midnight run after I realized all my foreign friends were earning almost double than I was. Then I found this website and smartened up really quick...http://www.chinascambusters.com. For the last two years I have earned over 18,000 and learned to never accept any first offer made to me by new employers. I used to believe the recruiters but I don't anymore and my last job I got without one.
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