China closing private schools at last

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John V55
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China closing private schools at last

Unread post by John V55 »

I suppose you could call this a newsflash, it certainly was to me.

After spending several years in China in the not too distant past, I’ve begun hearing from friends still in China that their contracts are not going to be renewed and from one school owner that they have been forced to close down their private school.

All were reluctant to talk about why, but I finally came across the answer here. ... obal-en-GB

In short, the Chinese are finally doing something about the private education scam sector by closing it down. Long overdue in my opinion and a blessing for those who really are qualified and able to work in real government schools instead of the previous performing for profit monkey crowd.

As long as English remains the business language of the world there will always be opportunities for teachers in China, but the deadwood are on their way out.
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